Blaugust 2012 Roundup

I’ve just back-updated the missing posts from Wednesday through to Friday, and I figured that while I’m here I’d do a quick summary of all of the posts I’ve made during August, sorted by day.

Wednesdays: Pieces from Life Drawing classes

Thursdays: Crafts and construction

Fridays: Duck photos

Saturdays: Walkthroughs

Sundays: Recipes

Mondays: Digital Art. (Well, that was the plan. Just became “whatever art”, much like Tuesdays drifted away from being watercolours)

Tuesdays: Watercolours

Whew! It feels good to have been able to put something up for every day of August. My goal over the next year is to not stockpile all this stuff like I did this year, but to instead post things as I complete them. Might put me in a corner for next Blog-fest, though…

Duck Photos #4

We now return you to your regularly scheduled duck programming.

Choosing which photo to use for my last Duck-post was pretty tricky! I wanted to pick something with a bit of a story behind it.

This one fits the bill (hehe) but unfortunately it’s not a great photo.

This was taken on the morning of the AVCon @ OzAsia event we held last year. I had to run off-site to find a power adapter for our composite to HDMI converter. Driving out from War Memorial Drive I almost ran over this wood duck. He was visibly distressed and warking (wood ducks don’t quack, they wark) in the middle of the road and wouldn’t budge. If I had a little more time I would have probably stopped and tried to help him but perhaps it was better for both of us that I didn’t bother, I’d likely only add to his distress.