juri han
Colour Balance
Here’s the finished-for-now Juri:
Kind of hurried it towards the end, I always have a tendency to do that! I’ll probably have a few more tweaks to make later, but I think I ought to get my ideas moving for my next picture.
On my monitor this looks more subdued and less pink than it does in real life. I will have to play around with the colour balance in Photoshop and check it out on some other monitors… I’ll probably also do some other digital tweaks like clean up the fuzzy edges of the circles. I’ll learn to paint more tidily with practice, I swear!
Juri, continued…
This was why I was redrawing the image with pencils – it’s going to be a watercolour painting. Here’s most of the flat colours down and some areas in a near complete state – I will probably leave those until the image is closer to completion. Uncompleted bits include most of the purples and pinks. These will get deepened with progressive layers of pigment. I’ve also yet to start trying to detail her face.
It’s kind of interesting to note that when I work digitally I feel as though I should start the image with some pencil scratchings to get into the groove. Similarly, when I want to do a painting or drawing I often want to play around digitally to get a feel for the image. Really I think it’s all about finding a happy medium 🙂
Wait, pencils now? What’s going on here?

Sketched out again.
A Compositional Sketch
Maybe this will become a fully fledged picture?
The goal here was to have some interesting action with the character but to not lead the viewer’s eye ‘out’ of the image, rather, have their eye land back in the focal points of the image.
To be honest, I like the way that outstretched leg looks… even though it leads the eye out of the picture frame. I had experimented with tipping her toes to bring the flow of the image back towards the middle but that made the foot look a little odd. So, forcing the viewer’s eye back onto the image might not be the right approach. What do you think?