The Cutting Room Floor
Yesterday I completed the more-difficult-than-expected task of selecting a number of images to feature in my portfolio. I set a limit of ten images and tried to gather a set of images that gave a rounded representation of what I can do.
While trawling through work recent and old, I found a number of pictures that never got the chance to see the light of day. Here’s a few that I rather like.
There’s plenty more! When I started this blog I had an idea of diving into old work to examine what I’ve been doing in the past. Maybe this is the start of bringing that idea to life.
A Compositional Sketch
Maybe this will become a fully fledged picture?
The goal here was to have some interesting action with the character but to not lead the viewer’s eye ‘out’ of the image, rather, have their eye land back in the focal points of the image.
To be honest, I like the way that outstretched leg looks… even though it leads the eye out of the picture frame. I had experimented with tipping her toes to bring the flow of the image back towards the middle but that made the foot look a little odd. So, forcing the viewer’s eye back onto the image might not be the right approach. What do you think?
On Your Shoulders
A quickish sketch done on my very speccy new toy.

Drawing faces from low angles is tricky – in some ways the cartoon style amplifies the trickiness because direct photo reference isn’t as useful. Also I did kind of change gears halfway through so the face styles are different.
I really like her foot on the right… but I ruined it when I connected it to her leg. A few hits and misses throughout this picture – all part of a learning experience.