I bought Painter a while ago but since swapping computers I haven’t been using it. Last night I decided to do a manic experiment with colour!
Reference from the gorgeous stock art of Lockstock.
Life is good, love is real, beauty is everywhere.
After fiddling around with Sherman’s Circular Gallifreyan (a fan-made alphabet) for a week or so I came across another fan made variant, Doctor’s Cot by brittanybgood which I rather liked the aesthetic of. I decided to redo my previous project in that alphabet instead.
Have I made mistakes? probably. But I’m pretty pleased with the result, especially as it was relatively fast to lay out once I worked out the phonetic breakups of the words (thanks wiktionary!).
This is my submission for the Losing Altitude collaborative art book, featuring endangered bird illustrations from a ton of talented artists.
Since I like ducks, I chose to paint the Laysan Duck for the book. The Laysan was at one point in critical danger of extinction with a population of only 7 adults and 5 juveniles. By the 1950s they had recovered to around 500 individuals and later a small population was moved to Midway Atoll to ensure that any disasters on Laysan would not result in the extinction of the species. My painting is named “Midway” for Midway Atoll – it also makes reference to the fact that conservation is a continually ongoing process.
Helix Fossil
With the frenzy that has been Twitch Plays Pokemon taking the internet by storm over the last couple of weeks, I felt that I ought to do something to join in on the festivities.
I started by modeling a helix fossil pendant.
(Want one for yourself? Get it on Shapeways!)
I then thought that I’d like to have something a bit bigger… and since I’m no stranger to papercraft, that seemed like a good way to go!
The model required a fair bit of simplification to make it a practical papercraft project, but I think it came out ok. I’m also not so used to working on smaller papercraft projects, since I normally work on life-sized Pokemon so some of the joins are pretty messy.
Want to make your own? The PDF file is here. I printed the pattern out on light cardstock and then assembled the pieces with the printed lines on the inside of the model. You can start from the top left of the first page and build piece by piece. If you have any questions let me know and I’ll do my best to help you out.
Watercolours – Eeveelutions, Liepard, Mega Venusaur
New watercolour paintings! The Eevees started on a whim but I got them done in a weekend, which was pretty cool. They’re my largest watercolour painting to date.
Liepard was painted for NerdbotMk2‘s Twitterdex project.
Mega Venusaur may be the start of me drawing all the mega evolutions. Iunno.