Whew! It’s about time for another one of these life-sized Pokemon. This one’s been waiting a while to be posted. I started on the templates on the drive to and from Manifest last year and have had it sitting mostly-assembled on my table for a few months now. I stalled in sticking the limbs to the body because I’d toyed with the idea of making them poseable, but I’ve finally given up on that idea and have just stuck them on.
As usual I’ve gotten my papercraft templates from pokemonpapercraft.net. Those guys do really awesome stuff!
Next papercraft: Tepig.
Good job! The squirtle like the bulbasaur and charmander look really awesome! I tried doing something similar to yours by converting it from a PDF to a word docx and then rescaled it on word, then printed it out and uses cereal boxes but my product (in this case a Mudkip) didn’t come out looking as good as yours ( I also printed the templates in color so just a 3 times more pages the te original template. Do you have any helpful tips or advice. Or also could maybe share the psd or excel file you used for the previous kanto starters or is that too much to ask. Regardless I’m a big fan of your word and keep it up! Thanks
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your kind comments! I’d be really keen to see some photos of that Mudkip!
In order to respect the hard work of the Pokemon Papercraft guys who put together the original templates, I don’t plan to release my files publicly. However I am happy to share what I have with you if you email me at alecat@gmail.com
I will do thank you!
Sorry for the spelling errors in my previous, of coarse they show up after you submit
Rescaled it on excel not word
Used not uses
A “)” after template
Could you maybe share the pad or excel file
And lastly work not word
Really sorry about that. Thanks!