Pretty much complete, will probably do some tweaking and fix up the foliage on the side.

Pretty much complete, will probably do some tweaking and fix up the foliage on the side.
Character development and design:
EDIT: Very first draft added.
Basic colour decisions - lots of pink!
I wanted to make her a blonde bimbo but apparently being cliche is dull.
Lots of charm, not so much going on upstairs...
Missing one image here actually, I’ll edit it in later if I can find it.
Ducks in Progress
Trying out some new watercolour paper – Rains by Montval, I think it was…
Reference found via Google Image Search.
Despite the title, this is a post to announce I’m going to attempt to update more frequently.
Committing myself to a long pretentious post to blab about my mostly mediocre art often feels too troublesome to feel worth posting at all. So hey, I’ll just stick up WIP stuff and scraps without any explanations! Whoo.
Feel free to comment and ask stuff, readers. I mean, Tom. Maybe now I’ll only blab on about things you want to know about.
The cliffs and skies - I practise these often
Started drawing a few of these last year, have continued at a slower pace this year. As you can see, I’ve started with the obvious: Eeveelutions, a bunch of starters (Cyndaquil and Totodile to come), Pikachu and Meowth, and uh, a duck. I like ducks, okay?
I’m hoping to print these off as fridge magnets. As soon as I can fill a page of them. (For reference, these are currently filling about a third to a half of an A4 page). They’re going to be totally rad and will stick to your fridge.
Each critter is inked digitally, then the lineart is enlarged by running it through a bitmap-to-vector converter. Some simple colours are thrown on, and voila! It’s done.
Since I’m planning to do more, I’d love to hear suggestions of which other Pokémon I should try. Let me know in the comments!