USB Key of Clow
I made these tonight. The idea came from a couple of sources…
Some time back I saw this decorated USB drive on deviantArt and thought I might try something similar at some point. However I didn’t want to make a copy – I wanted to try something different. My initial ideas were to do something based on a butterfly’s wings. I then started worrying about how to disguise the USB drive and how to get a cap on…
Eventually this thought evolved into the idea to create a piece of fan art using a USB drive, and with my mind moving to the Clow Key I was hoping to hide the USB connector in the beak. Looking up various USB drives and the sizes available I realised perhaps it would work better to point the drive downwards and have the connector as a stand in for the key part.
Anyhow, the USB drive I’m hoping to use is this one, which conveniently is about the width of some chipboard I have lying around. To model these keys I’ve partially wrapped each piece of chipboard with some alfoil and modeled things around that. The chipboard fits quite nicely into a USB port!
Once these are cured in the oven I’ll paint them and substitute the USB drive for the chipboard.