Northern Cardinal
One of the first watercolour brooches I experimented with was of a cardinal, so I thought that for today’s Avian August prompt I would revisit the laser cutter.
Somehow I nailed the design on the first sketch:

And from there I could see that the piece would work either as a painted or acrylic piece!
There was a slight tricky bit to solve with how to depict the eye in the acrylic version – would the whole face piece be black acrylic and the white parts painted in? I instead opted to cut the eye out of white acrylic and to etch a section into that that I painted black.
I didn’t realise how dark my sheet of red acrylic was but I didn’t have any alternatives on hand so it’ll have to do. I really like how this little cute birb came out, and it was another speed lasercut build which has me thinking that I might spend September with the aim to do more regular laser work……….