TMBG Tuesday #2: Hovering Sombrero
Don’t be burdened by regrets or make
Your failures an obsession
Or become embittered or possessed by ruined hopes
Remember, when you take yourself for granted
Feel rejected and unwanted, know
You’re never just a hat
You’re never only just a hat, you know
I keep coming back to this song whenever I’m feeling down. It makes for a good mantra. But I also think that the passage I based this week’s painting off is just so pretty. I often wish this song were just a little bit longer.
Deciding to do this as an animation was a last-minute decision! Excuse the messiness.
TMBG Tuesday #1: You Probably Get That A Lot
Welcome to TMBG Tuesday, where I post pictures inspired by the band They Might Be Giants.
The first painting is based on You Probably Get That A Lot from the album Join Us. I think it’s probably my favourite TMBG album!
This song is a love song to a cephalophore. What an absurd idea! I just love the imagery.
Set Your Goldfish Free
This isn’t the painting I set out to paint, but I forced myself to see it through once it got going. The whole reason why I started this one is because I was dissatisfied with the way one of my other paintings was working out, so leaving yet another work abandoned seemed silly.
I don’t think it’s finished yet, but I’m not sure if I’ll push it much further either.