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KeyWe speedrunning Discord
General Notes
Save Files
On PC, the KeyWe save files are kept at %appdata%/../LocalLow/Stonewhat _ Sons/KeyWe
You can backup the, and files and restore them to their ORIGINAL save slots safely.
Restart the game for the changed save data to be recognised.
If you try copying Profile0 to Profile1, the game will load the data correctly for profile 1 (save slot 2) but it'll save back into profile 0 (save slot 1)
Backup saves can be useful for skipping the tutorial and having your preferred costumes ready.
They can also be used to practice the fixed RNG for The Shipping Floor and Covert Decoders.
Tracking times in LiveSplit
There is an autosplitter compatible with LiveSplit. The latest version can be found here
The autosplitter requires one split per level. A compatible splits file can be downloaded from here
To use: select "Edit Layout" in the LiveSplit right click menu, and add a new Control, "Scriptable Auto Splitter". Select the KeyWe.asl file in the Auto Splitter settings
A sample LiveSplit layout file can be found here
Navigating this page
Advance to the next level reference by pressing Spacebar
Return to the previous level by pressing Shift + Spacebar
or Backspace
1.1 The Telegraph Desk
🇺🇸 English : (23.33 avg)
Puppet show postponed
Meteor shower tonight
Bonnets back in style
Avoid the yellow berries
Sandstorm in Salty Flats
Swallowed a bug
1.2 The Transcription Room
1.3 The Shipping Floor
In a fresh savefile, the parcels are always the Hourglass, the Shaking Box and the Pineapple, in that order

1.4 The Dropoff Depot

2.1 Marauding Mailflies
2.2 Covert Decoders
In a fresh savefile, the phrases will be the top three listed here.🇺🇸 English : (29 avg)
Please meet me at eight
Leave the bundle below the bridge
Who changed the password
Trust your instincts Stanley
Open the envelope at eleven
Check out my fake mustache
2.3 Postal Pest Problems

2.4 Vegetation Vexation

3.1 Devilish Dust Up
3.2 A Sinking Feeling
One sticker will always be a Fragile that is not used.

3.3 Bouncing Boxes (And Blimps)
In the Shu Mei / Corncob Collins puzzle, only ONE of the Gumtree Grove letters needs to be delivered for the bells to appear.

3.4 Creepin’ Kudzu
🇺🇸 English : (21.5 avg)
Stepped in poison ivy
Water balloon popped
Eat your vegetables
Use lots of sunscreen
My big toe hurts
Plants took my pants
4.1 Shipping Shake-up

4.2 Transcription Turmoil
4.3 Keyboard Commotion
🇺🇸 English : (22.38 avg)
Need engine jump
Wear your coat Todd
Blood drive tomorrow
Library books returned
Stop raking my leaves
Ginger tarts for auction
Cellar door stuck
Visit the Fungus Farm
4.4 Parcel Panel Puzzle

5.1 The Night Post
5.2 Electrical interference
🇺🇸 English : (20.88 avg)
Jerboa Road detour
Kites discouraged
Lightning struck my lunch
Scared of thunder
Evacuate low areas
Rising water reported
Get to high ground
My hat blew away
5.3 Bobbing For Boxes

5.4 Mechanical Mayhem

6.1 Tricks And Telegrams
🇺🇸 English : (23.88 avg)
Caramel stuck in teeth
I think I saw a ghost
Weird noise in my attic
Hayrides in Gumtree Grove
Costume parade in Belby
Stop sending clowns
Used coffin for sale
Scared of the dark
6.2 Zoey’s Tracks of Terror
There are two configurations for this level.6.3 Casso-scary
6.4 Mail From Beyond

7.1 Trapdoors and Tentacles

7.2 Assembly-Line Scramble
7.3 Dueling Crates
The items can be shoved from left to right on the conveyors, but not from right to left - instead, if the item is moving towards the left, you can stand on its left side and push right to speed up its movement.

7.4 Switchboard Synchrony
🇺🇸 English : (23.92 avg)
Snow day at City Hall
Sat on a cinammon bun
Found a huge footprint
Canyon guide wanted
Snowman builder for hire
Frostbite feels bad
Just grew my winter coat
Bad case of cider burps
Today I met a tiny horse
My scarf is itchy
Watch for falling icicles
Who took all my socks
8.1 Bungalow Basin Bake-Off
It is possible to apply two toppings from one icing machine with the right timing. Stomp, drop the second item into the machine and then stomp again.
Softlock warning
Cookies can despawn if they are placed on the conveyors. This makes the level impossible to finish (to our knowledge).
8.2 Parts and Crafts
The yellow face always gets the bushy eyebrows and tongue
The gooseberry eyes always go together with the leafy beard
The pipecleaner mouth always goes together with the bell

8.3 The Hollyjostle Tinkertrack
If a letter is replaced by a toy postman or tree, then the spot can still be stomped to type the letter.🇺🇸 English : (19.33 avg)
This pie smells odd
Happy Hollyjostle Dad
Out of pudding
Snowball fight lost
Winter Dance tonight
I angered a moose
Love you Erin
Nose is frozen
My igloo melted
Yetis might be real
Bundle up buttercup
Lost my mitten
8.4 That's A Wrap
You can pull a package onto a conveyor and push it off with a single kiwi - see

9.1 An Approaching Storm
🇮🇹 Italiano, 🇩🇪 Deutsch, 🇪🇸 Español, 🇫🇷 Français, 🇵🇹 Português are missing phrases.
🇺🇸 English : (22.38 avg)
Hurricane strength winds
Lake Bessy evacuated
Subzero winds incoming
Expect power outages
Storm approaching fast
Storm tracking eastward
Belby shelters open
Evacuate low areas
Watch for hailstones
Flying debris reported
Take shelter now
Icy road conditions
Avoid glass windows
9.2 Bitter Cold
9.3 Emergency Relief

9.4 Stand Your Post
10 Word fragments
Both players can stomp the same shutter handle.
5 Pieces (2 buttons, dial, north, south)
Softlock warning
Don't use the A button (usually mapped to jump) after getting on the Shipping Floor cart - this will cause the cart to spawn far out in the Telegraph section
If this happens, it's not actually a true softlock. If you can parachute over to the keyboard and shut down the machine, you can then jump off the level again.
The kiwi spawn positions are set on the cart so once they parachute back onto the cart it should end the level.
If the level doesn't end after the kiwis have landed, put in a very small amount of movement so that your feet touch the cart - you might be standing on Zoey's head or on top of one another.